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Project Pragati is an eco-friendly student initiative by the BSRC to stimulate the enthusiasm for STEM amongst the underprivileged society all over India. In this project, we provide computing capabilities to underprivileged students in schools and villages across India. It helps proliferate knowledge of FIRST and PC-building as well as mentors the students to participate in FIRST competitions. 
In addition to this we started a STEM Curriculum which is a detailed explanation using worksheets, practice papers and flash cards well relevant to the school curriculum to make learning fun!


For more information please visit our S.T.E.M. Curriculum in "Outreaches" Page


Our Mission

-Benefit 50,000 underprivileged students by 2024 by donating Computers to underprivileged schools

-Upcycle 1 lakh electronics components 

-Help REDUCE Carbon footprint by investing in a corporation that plants trees and help other FIRST Teams do the same 

-Drive STEM curriculum in schools across India

How does it help unprivileged students and the environment?

Most underprivileged schools do not have enough funds to acquire a substantial number of electronic devices for all their students. The deficiency of computers and STEM activities in financially challenged areas is a big issue today, and our goal as a team of the BSRC is to help ease this ‘digital divide’ among all students.

The environment’s deteriorating condition can easily be tackled by Reusing, Recycling, Reducing and Upcycling our waste and this is exactly what we intend to accomplish through our E-Waste Collection Drive under Project Pragati. 
This Recycling and Hardware Collection Drive also provides a great opportunity for anyone and everyone to repurpose their unused electronics or upcycle their old ones!

With the collected parts we will hold a PC Building workshop through which students of less privileged schools will not only gain knowledge of the hardware and technical aspects of a computer but also contribute to increasing the number of computers at their school, giving all of them more devices to work on too.



4 stages of this project:


  1. Collect parts and upcycle

  2. Hold a device building workshop for underprivileged schools

  3. Help make STEM more accessible to all students

  4. Ensure the sustainability of Project Pragati and continue this campaign for years to come!

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WhatsApp Image 2022-03-20 at 1.37.55 PM.jpeg


We have so far collected and assembled 7 computers and are planning to give them to Chetan Dattaji School. 

 Apart from this we are also conducting online sessions with the teachers of the school and explaining them how to use the STEM curriculum so that they can teach their students. 



Sponsor the cost of one or more PCs for underprivileged schools

(approximately Rs. 10,000 per computer)

Donate computer parts – contribute to our Upcycling Drive

Contribute a small amount towards computer parts (Rs.1000 or more)



to donate 

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